N头条>英语词典>hit it up翻译和用法

hit it up

英 [hɪt ɪt ʌp]

美 [hɪt ɪt ʌp]





  • About the performance hit, well that's pretty obvious and it takes longer to idle up, so again, more battery drain.
  • But whereas in 1997, the last time the economy hit the skids, it was the powerfulchaebolsthat had loaded up on leverage, this time round the pain is spread wider.
  • In offices, where blind optimism is more forgivable than even mild pessimism, staffers wait for the time when their head hopers won't know what hit them& but it usually ends up being a promotion.
  • My golf ball! So that's where I'd hit it. I picked it up and put it into my right pocket carefully.
  • Then with only one more state to go and my journey almost over, a realization hit me: It took giving up money to have the richest experience of my life.
  • But the benchmark Nikkei average has been particularly badly hit this year by negative investor sentiment, and while it edged up 0.1 per cent yesterday, it was down nearly 43 per cent for the year to date.
  • How about each time you hit the ball, it speeds up and goes in a random direction?
  • Hit your foreign enemies where it hurts by smashing up cars owned by your fellow countrymen.
  • We must take a series of efficient steps in the base of analyzing and studying the characteristics and reasons of the credit cards crime occured so often so as to prevent and hit it and stand up for the normal economic cosmos.
  • Even when they hit it, we can fill up the holes for only a few cents'worth of labour.